Seven Pro Clash Royale Tips That No one Tells

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Clash Royale tips
Seven Pro Useful Tips From Experts In Clash Royale.

Do you play Clash royale? If yes you will be knowing that Clash Royale is a tough game, right? Want to know some tips and tricks that will make your future bright in Clash Royale ? 
You are at the right place . Today I am  going to share with you 7 useful tips from experts which will give a guarantee to your success in Clash Royale. I am pretty sure that if all of those tips are followed by you , you'll be a Pro Gamer in few days or very soon.So let's start.

1. Use tonadoes behind the King tower to successfully move all three musketeers.

2. Use an ice spear to mitigate all but one hit from the goblin gang.

3. When the king tower is activated, you can use the tornado to mitigate all damage from abandon.

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4th pro tip is for graveyard, when you're facing against a Valkyrie you always want to move your graveyard one more tile inwards the opponent's tower and what it does it allows more skeletons to spawn away the Valkyrie giving you more surface area and allowing you to get more damage on your opponent's tower , this placement will be illustrated in the second clip and the normal placement will be in the first clip.

Number 5 comes in handy against battery man minion horde when you're down elixir you don't have enough elixir to efficiently deal with a battery man minion horde a lot of times it's best to allow the battery room to connect to
your tower or a building so then you can fire up all the barbarians as they spawn from the battle room and the minion horde together.

The 5  pro tip is 42.6  hog rider against lava-loon the thing that you want
to do is isolate the balloon from the law bound bicycling to canons pulling the balloon to your King tower and then
effectively dealing with a lava hound later .

The 6 pro tip is using the hog rider jump mechanic in the corner of the map to make sure that your hog rider is
able to pull back units granting you a huge positive elixir trade and more time to deal with anything coming at you .
guys ii pro tip is using an ice spear to counter the hunter. the hunter will miss the ice spirit will jump onto the hunter studying it for a longer
duration of time allowing the tower to kill the hunter definitely.

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The tip number 7 is absolutely insane guys you can use a hog rider to fully counter a bandit and it will receive no damage I love this one and it is probably my favorite interaction in the entire game.

For some more tricks click here or visit clash servers

These tips were based on  experiences of experts all these tips are very useful which can make you Pro in Clash Royale.

Read these tips and become a Pro Gamer in Clash Royale.

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