21 Pro Tips for Mini Militia To Become Pro in Less Time

 Mini Militia Tips,Mini Militia Pro Tips and Tricks, Mini militia tips to kill , mini militia killing tips, pro tips for mini militia, become Pro in mini militia
Pro tips
Mini Militia Pro Tips And Tricks That might be new for you

Mini Militia comes in the list of most played games in the world.
Everyone wants to come first but can't because of there techniques so here I've got  21 Pro Killing Tips and Tricks for Mini Militia in 2019 which are really unique and can make your game play better .

I am pretty sure that if you're going to follow or apply these 21 Pro Killing Tips and Tricks for Mini Militia in 2019 or techniques in your game play , you would become a Pro and do better. I am going to share all the tips I know , some of them will be known by you but I am sure mostly will be new for you.

  • This Tip is in the video see the video first.  In the video while falling down throw the bomb instantly on opponent , this needs a lot of practice so keep doing.

  • Drop a bomb if you think you will die , what this will do is that this can give you a chance to kill your opponent , see the video below for the example.
  • Use mines at Birth Place - You know when we start game we re spawn at a particular place , every stage has a couple of this place so when you re spawn on these place then throw the bomb at that place . Then, whenever anybody re spawns then he will get a hit and you will get a kill.
  • Use mines like missiles - You can Throw mines on opponents if they are on target and you can kill them easily. You can also drop mines at the places which opponents  mostly go and to the places where mine can hide like in the bushes.
    Mines like missile, proxy mines, mini militia mines, mines like missile, throw mines , proxy mines in mini militia, mini militia
    Use mines like a missile
  • This one of the Best Tip,While shooting at anybody sit on your knees or kneel down as this lower down the damage of the opponent's shoot and not just this it also precise your shoot and also if any bomb falls on you and you are in this position still you will not die.
  • If you see someone carrying shield in his hand and you are having saw cutter then try to shoot at his legs as shield covers only the stomach if he didn't move it down ,you will get a kill.
  • Try to shoot at the back if someone is carrying shield or you can fly up and shoot at his face also this can kill the opponent , rocket launcher and all the grenades are the only other ways to kill an opponent with shield so if you don't have this then this tip would be helpful for you.
  • Change avatar accordingly to the map , if the map is outpost or other then change to green avatar , if the map is catacombs then brown avatar, if the map is snow or ice then Change to white. This will help in camouflage which animals do to be secure from there predator, similarly you can hide in the background and make your opponent confuse.
  • When you enters a map then Don't go to fight, wait and take the guns which are good and then go to fight.
  • Use the store properly , many people don't use the store so it is important to use the store as  this can provide you technical support.
  • When you have shield melee down if a bomb is thrown on you , this can save your life.
  • The best combination for me is sniper and shot gun , this all of you would be knowing but I wanna share one more combination which is shield with hatchet , this will protect you from guns and then you can easily go close to them and melee to kill.
  • This thing only few people know, after spawning you can't die from green grenade (some people say smoke bomb) according to the new update for 4 seconds , so don't afraid for getting into it before the 4 seconds ends.
  • Suicide , if you have low health and want to make your team win.
  • This totally opposite , run for health (first aid) when having low health, try to escape from opponents in this situation , but only do this when there is no team.
  • One more tip in the same case that is if your health is low and the time is going to over soon, then you should use mines like a blockage as shown in the figure given below 
    Proxy Mines like blockage,Proxy mines,mini militia,block with mines
    Mines as blockage
    This will stop other players to come near you and you can easily survive that low health situation. You can also use gas grenade or green grenade as blockage.
    Gas grenade as blockage,smoke grenade,green grenade, green grenade blocks,mini militia bombs
    Gas grenade as blockage
  • In this tip you will learn how to face if the opponent has done the same thing as told in the above or when a mine is blocking your area , in this situation you should drop a bomb at the mine , when it will sense your bomb it will automatically burst and now you can keep moving without any blockage.
  • This tip is commonly not known by anyone , that when you spawn you are invisible for 2 seconds for other players so take the advantage and after spawning if the opponent is near you go for kill instantly.
  • In the start ,try to team up , this means that if you are new in the game you should make a team as this will lower down the number of your opponents and you can easily kill others , This will help you to gain some experience.
  • Use melee to make your boost more faster , I know most of you people know that but some Don't that's why I added this in my list.
  • Make sure that your configures should be like this , shown in the image , to go to configures go to settings>configures and then change accordingly.
  • Mini Militia configures settings,configures,mini militia,settings mini Militia
    Mini Militia configures settings

Also Read-2 Mini Militia Wall hacks that works in 2019

So how many tips and tricks were known by you? tell us in the comments.

I hope all the tips and tricks were clear to you . Follow these tips and tricks to become a Pro and make your game play better.

Also watch for more - 

Thanks for reading

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